The second and third part is for those who took it. How they felt during the test and the sections which seemed difficult for them. Also their expectations after taking it and their feelings when checking their grades.

1. After the Speaking part was done I felt some confidence, since I realized it followed the same paterns of previous examinations . The toughest part of the exam, was not Listening, as everyone believes, but Reading. There were like 4 texts in which a shallow analysis is not enough; it requieres a very profound thinking and time, which I didn't have due to limited time given. (participant 2)
2. I had not taken a Cambridge examination before, so I was a little nervous about the general system. The exam was very long -almost six hours- and fatigue might have contributed to lack of concentration. The toughest part for me was Writing for it was one of the last ones and demanded a creative and focused mindset that I couldn't have while sitting with an aching back and numb limbs. Results were not bad, so it was worth it.(participant 4)

1.I did it! I passed the exam! After a stressing moment at Reading, I accomplished to succed and obtain a passing mark.
After all, CAE is NOT diffucult. The anxiety diminish when I checked the results and saw my passing grade
.(participant 2)
2. The general impression after taking the exam was an opptimistic feeling, but with this things you can never be sure. So the month and a half of waiting for the internet results were excruciating; at some times I was convinced I had nothing to worry about, and others I was biting at my nails. You can imagine the sigh of relief I let out the moment I looked at my grades and had got a B. I think I couldn't stop goofily grinning for quite a long time. (participant 5)

3 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for your testimony ENA and for your blog I know that it will be helpful for people like me who wants to pass the CAE in order to pass the EL curse on the UQROO... please tell us what did you see on the EXAM TOO!!

    well, byes!!!

    check ma' BLOG!!!

  2. Hi Guillermo!!
    Well, what is on CAE is similar to what i've uploaded here in the sample tests, check them..
    I can upload more links if necessary! :)

  3. He he the goofy grinner subect 5 is me =).

    Who else did you interview? I'd like to share experiences.
